Products Jetpack post statistic link plugin

This wordpress plugin allows you to view your Jetpack Statistics on every post on your blog.

The Jetpack statistics module provides links to view the statistics on each of your individual posts, but only if the post appears in the top 10 posts for the day.

The Jetpack post statistics link plugin allows you to access your Jetpack statistics for each post that you have made by providing a custom column on the "Posts Admin" page, to link to the same jetpack statistics page.

You can download from this site or if you prefer this is listed in the plug-in directory.

Fig. 1

Version 1.3.0

Released 9/20/2013

Added the ability to show the Jetpack Statistics Link on the "Pages" administration page.

Version 1.2.0

Released 1/25/2013

Minor enhancement. This version will handle non-standard wordpress installations by dynamically generating the link to the Jetpack statistics page.

The plugin needs to provide a link to  'wp-admin/admin.php'.

In some non-standard wordpress installs the relative path to the wp-admin directory can be in different locations and in these situations the Plugin would not work.

This is now fixed.

Version 1.1.0

Released 4/20/2012

Updated to remove the &blog=nnnn from the url.

This will improve the performance of the plugin as in version 1.0.0 it was reading the database to determine the blogID whilst in this version it no longer needs to do this.

Note: This may require the latest version of Jetpack. Tested against  Version 1.2.4 of Jetpack

Version 1.0.0

Released 1/23/2012

This is the first release of the plugin. So far there are no bugs that I am aware of.


  1. Download the installation package
  2. Un-zip the package and it will automatically create the "homedev_jetpack_post_stats" directory
  3. Place the folder in your wordpress-contact / plugins directory
  4. Login to your wordpress admin console and go to the plugins tab.
  5. Activate the plugin


  1. Login to your wordpress admin console.
  2. Click on the "All Posts" tab.
  3. The last column contains the statistics link
  4. Click on the link to view the Jetpack statistics for your page.
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Version 1.3.0 (24.21Kb)
Downloads 470

Previous Releases

Version 1.2.0 (23.36Kb)
Downloads 475

Version 1.1.0 (24.18Kb)
Downloads 604

Version 1.0.0 (24.20Kb)
Downloads 481