Products InterChange

InterChange - The InterAction environment switching tool

During the implementation and ongoing production configuration of InterAction many companies will have multiple InterAction environments including, production, development and training to name but a few.

InterChange is "The" InterAction environment switching solution.

It allows anyone who uses InterAction the flexibility to seemlessly work between multiple InterAction environments on a single machine. It improves productivity by being able to quickly and easily change between your training, testing and development environments when testing changes prior to release to production.


  • Controls configuration on:
    • Interaction Windows Client
    • InterAction Web Client
    • InterAction Application Collaboration
    • InterAction Administrator
    • IMO - InterAction for Microsoft Outlook
    • Tikit eMarketing
  • Displays the currently active InterAction Environment
  • Minimises to the system tray to allow easy access.
  • Mouse over in system tray to show currently active environment.
  • Right click action of system tray for quick switching.
  • Administrative Access to lock down certain environments so normal users cannot access enviroments that should be hidden.
  • Central xml based configuration to allow for easy implementation

Simple to Use

InterChange is very simple to use:

  1. Close any active InterAction/Tikit software
  2. Launch InterChange
  3. Select the environment you wish to change too.
  4. Click Change

Now when you next launch your InterAction products you will be conected to your selected InterAction environment.



Requires Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0

User should have the ability to edit the registry and udpate the file system


Compatable with:

  • Windows 7, 32 and 64 bit
  • InterAction 6.0 and 6.1
  • Tikit 4.7


Please use the contact form for any purchase enquiries. Contact Us

Fig. 1

InterChange main screen. Allows for selection of the available InterAction environments.

Fig. 2

Select the Environment, Click Change, simple to use, 2 clicks and you are now pointing at another InterAction environment

Fig. 3

Minimises to the system tray when not in use

Fig. 4

Mouse over to remind you which environment you are currently in.

Fig. 5

Pop-up menu when in the system tray to allow for quick switching between environments